Open date: November 21, 2024
Deadline to apply: While the search remains open until the position is filled, interested applicants are asked to submit their complete application package by January 3, 2025.
The Faculty of Education invites internal candidates to apply for the Myrne B. Nevison Professorship in School or Counselling Psychology.
The Faculty of Education invites internal candidates to apply for the Myrne B. Nevision Professorship in School or Counselling Psychology. We are seeking a scholar who can articulate a clear vision for achieving a demonstratable impact in education through the advancement of knowledge and improvement in practice in School or Counselling Psychology. All full-time tenured UBC Faculty of Education faculty members appointed on the Vancouver campus in either the Professoriate stream or the Educational Leadership stream at the rank of Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Teaching, Professor, or Professor of Teaching at the time of this honorific appointment are eligible to apply. The appointment of the Professorship is expected to start July 1, 2025, or as negotiated with the successful candidate.
In line with our commitment to honouring the intent of the generous funder of this Professorship and the associated terms of reference, the appointee of this Professorship is charged with the following mandate:
- Engage in applied research or educational leadership in School or Counselling Psychology. The Professorship has a particular focus on supporting the advancement and understanding of preventive approaches in counselling for historically, persistently, and systemically marginalized (HPSM) children and youth.
- Carry out research or educational leadership that is aimed at developing and/or evaluating interventions related to the early identification, assessment, treatment and ongoing evaluation of historically, persistently, and systemically marginalized populations, and identifying factors associated with best outcomes.
- Conduct research or educational leadership that addresses psychological support and well-being, including (but not limited to) culturally sensitive pedagogies, human interactions, Indigenous and decolonial approaches, and more.
- Advance program development and community engagement, utilizing a lifespan perspective and focusing on HPSM populations, to contribute to the development of preventive approaches within the discipline of school or counselling psychology that could lead to larger systemic and social change.
- Provide leadership in and contribute to building professional capacity through support and mentorship of graduate students in the context of the Professorship.
- Cultivate outreach initiatives provincially, nationally, and/or internationally.
Interested applicants are asked to submit the following materials for consideration by the Dean, the Associate Dean, Research, and the advisory committee, for an appointment to this Professorship:
- Cover letter (maximum two pages, single-spaced);
- Curriculum vitae;
- Short biography (maximum one page, single-spaced) that highlights key achievements in your CV in relation to this position;
- Vision statement (maximum three pages, single-spaced) for the Professorship, indicating how you would implement the mandate described above and how you would assess the impact of the proposed activities and initiatives;
- EDID statement (maximum one page, single-spaced) that describes and documents your contributions to equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization (EDID) through your teaching, research or educational leadership, service, and community engagement, addressing the following three areas: (1) understanding of and knowledge about EDID, (2) track record in advancing EDID, and (3) future plans for EDID while holding this Professorship; and
- Two letters of reference (maximum two pages, single-spaced, each) that are signed, dated, and on letterhead. The references shall be as follows:
- One university-affiliated faculty member external to the UBC Faculty of Education;
- One non-university community member with whom you have worked on issues relevant to this Professorship.
All application materials must be submitted to the Office of the Dean via email at by the end of the day on Friday, January 3, 2025. The two confidential letters of reference must be sent by the referees to the same email.
Criteria for evaluation to be evidenced in the application materials shall include: (a) demonstrated excellence and impact of research or educational leadership; (b) record of scholarship and programmatic activity relevant to the mandate of the Professorship; (c) evidence of engagement in applied research or educational leadership in School or Counselling Psychology; (d) evidence of effective student mentorship; (e) program of research or educational leadership that contributes to equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization in the discipline; (f) potential for cross-departmental and cross-disciplinary collaboration; and (g) alignment of the vision statement to the mandate of the Professorship, as above.
Shortlisted candidates will be asked to participate in an individual interview with the advisory committee, as well as provide a public presentation followed by a question & answer session open to the Faculty of Education community. With the shortlisted candidates’ consent, their CVs and short biographies will be shared with the Faculty of Education community before the public presentation.
Terms of the Professorship:
- The appointment will be for a three-year term.
- The Professorship holder must maintain active full-time and tenured employment status in the UBC Faculty of Education Vancouver Point Grey campus at the rank of Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Teaching, Professor, or Professor of Teaching during the term of the Professorship.
- The Professorship holder will be provided with annual financial support of $30,000 per year to be directed to research or educational leadership activities, research assistant support, and programmatic initiatives that are associated with the Professorship. With approval and as permitted by the Faculty Workload Policy, funds may be used for teaching release at $15,000 per three-credit course (up to one course of teaching release per year). Release of funds is contingent on the approval of an annual budget prepared by the Professorship holder and continued availability of the endowment fund’s annual spending allocation.
- Implementation and oversight of the Professorship, with respect to budget review and annual reporting, will be guided by the Faculty of Education’s Internal Search Procedures for Chairs and Professorships, the Office of Research in Education (ORE), and the Development and Alumni Engagement (DAE) office requirements for annual reports to donors who fund the Professorship.
Questions regarding this call for applications should be directed to Dr. Nancy Perry, Associate Dean, Research, at
Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from colleagues who are members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Métis, Inuit, or Indigenous person.