June 16, 2022
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) has announced the latest Insight Grant, Partnership Grants, and Partnership Development Grants recipients. Congratulations to all successful applicants in the Faculty of Education. The UBC Faculty of Education acknowledges with gratitude the many communities, collaborators and partner organizations who work alongside our scholars on these grants. View the complete list of partners and collaborators on Insight Grants, Partnership Grants and Partnership Development Grants.
SSHRC Insight Grants
Insight Grants support research excellence in the social sciences and humanities. Funding is available for research initiatives of two to five years.
Insight Grant Applicants
Dr. Lesley Andres
COVID-19 and the Work/Family Interface: Gender, Education, Labour Market Inequalities, Household Dynamics, and Individual Wellbeing from a Life Course Perspective
Dr. Catherine Broom
Challenging Canadian Citizenship and Identity: Re-Imagining a New Narrative of Belonging
Dr. Jillianne Code
Agency and Learning in Immersive and Virtual Environments (ALIVE)
Dr. Cynthia Nicol
Mathematics Education for STEM as Place
Dr. Leyton Schnellert
Developing Relational Accountability and Decolonizing Possibilities through Education Change Networks
Dr. Fei Wang
Is Culturally Responsive Leadership Culturally Responsive? A Critical Comparative Study between Canada and China
Insight Grant Co-applicant
Dr. Guofang Li
Reading pedagogies of equity: Networked literacy pedagogues as resources for academic reading praxes in teacher education
Insight Grant Collaborator
Dr. Marianne McTavish
Reading Pedagogies of Equity: Networked Literacy Pedagogues as Resources for Academic Reading Praxes in Teacher Education
Partnership Grants
Partnership Grant proposals are exclusively for partnered research training initiatives, and provide support for new and existing formal partnerships to advance research, research training and knowledge mobilization.
Partnership Grant Co-director
Dr. Andrea Webb
Visual Storytelling and Graphic Art in Genocide and Human Rights Education
Partnership Grant Co-applicants
Dr. Lindsay Gibson
Past Wrongs, Future Choices
Dr. Shannon Leddy
Visual Storytelling and Graphic Art in Genocide and Human Rights Education
Partnership Grant Collaborator
Dr. Cash Ahenakew, Dr. George Belliveau, Dr. Vanessa Andreotti
Visual Storytelling and Graphic Art in Genocide and Human Rights Education
Partnership Development Grants
These grants provide support to develop research or related activities, and design and test new partnership approaches for research or related activities that can result in best practices or models.
Partnership Development Grant Applicant
Dr. Rita Irwin
Learning with the Land
Partnership Development Grant Co-applicants
Dr. Mary Bryson
An examination of the impacts of tuition waiver programs on access to postsecondary education among former youth in care
Dr. Jan Hare
International Indigenous Consortium of Teacher Educators: Indigenous Resurgence and Digital Technologies in Teacher Education
Dr. Shannon Leddy
Learning with the Land
Partnership Development Grant Collaborator
Dr. Surita Janghiani
Canadian Consortium of Science Equity Scholars