
Our talented students generate new knowledge and advance understanding, practice, and policy in education

At the Faculty of Education, we work closely with our undergraduate and graduate students to ensure their success. We assist students as they look for research positions, offer a variety of academic support services, encourage students to approach learning and teaching in new and innovative ways, help students discover organizations that match their interests, and provide extensive academic advising services.

Faculty of Education Resources

Undergraduate Students

Graduate Students

Faculty-Wide Graduate Programs (read more)

UBC Resources

  • Access and Diversity
    Disability services, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, women — working to make sure you thrive at UBC.
  • Centre for Student Involvement and Careers
    Resumé advising, job postings, employer information sessions — everything to get the job.
  • Counselling, Health and Wellness
    Talk to a counsellor, visit a doctor, learn about physical and mental health, suicide prevention — if you or a friend need some help, you’ll find it here.
  • Education Library
    A branch of the UBC Library, located in the Neville Scarfe Building.
  • Student Housing
    Living on campus, food services, services and amenities, off-campus housing — your home away from home.
  • Student Services
    Know your campus, plan for success, live well to learn well, have some fun.
  • UBC Bookstore
    More than just books! Clothing, gifts, technology, and supplies.
  • UBC IT
    Email, technical support, and general IT information.
  • UBC Library
    A quiet place to study or get help with your research.

Looking for more information?

Check out UBC’s page for Prospective Students,