Faculty of Education Careers

Current Searches for Faculty Positions

Academic and Administrative Leadership Positions

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Professoriate Stream Positions

Search: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in French Education and French Teacher Education

Search: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Critical First (L1) / Second (L2) Language Assessment

Search: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) or Associate Professor (tenured) in Indigenous Language and Literacy Education

Search: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Adult Learning and Education (ALE)

Search: Three tenure-stream positions for Black scholars, including Tier 2 CRC

Educational Leadership Stream Positions

Search: Assistant Professor of Teaching (tenure-track) in Business Education

Lecturer Positions

Search: Full-time Lecturer – Rural and Remote Education (RRED) Teacher Education Program

Search: Part-time Lecturer (50%) and NITEP Northern Field Centre Coordinator

Search: Part-time Lecturer (50%) in School and Applied Child Psychology

Postdoctoral Fellow and Other Faculty Positions

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Department, School and Unit Career Pages

Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP)

Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education (ECPS)

Department of Educational Studies (EDST)

Department of Language and Literacy Education (LLED)

School of Kinesiology (KIN)

Okanagan School of Education (OSE)

Early Childhood Education (ECED)

Master of Educational Technology (MET)

Teacher Education Office (TEO)

UBC Support Staff Job Postings

UBC Human Resources


For information on faculty titles, ranks, and descriptions, please refer to UBC HR.