Committees and Meetings

Committees & Meetings Chaired by the Dean

Jan Hare, Dean

Dónal O'Donoghue, Associate Dean, Academic and Graduate Studies

Surita Jhangiani, Interim Associate Dean, Equity

Nancy Perry, Associate Dean, Research

Laura Hurd, Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs

Karen Ragoonaden, Associate Dean, Teacher Education

Anna Kindler, Senior Advisor, International

Verna Billy-Minnabarriet, Senior Advisor, Indigenous Education

Ayaz Mahmood, Assistant Dean, Finance

Lynne Tomlinson, Assistant Dean, Innovation and Strategic Initiatives

Sherri Magson, Assistant Dean, Development and Alumni Engagement

Kristiina Kumpulainen, Head, LLED

André Mazawi, Head, EDST

Samson Nashon, Head, EDCP

Jennifer Shapka, Head, ECPS

Robert Boushel, Director, KIN

Kedrick James, Interim Director, OSE

Ryan Deschambault, Director, UBC-Ritsumeikan

Mark Edwards, Director, MET

Laurie Ford, Director, ECE

Dustin Louie, Director, NITEP

Andrew Scales, Director, ELI

Anwar Ahmed, Academic Advisor, ELI

Anna Bin, Director, HR

Paula Sabti, Director, Communications and Events

Natasha Boskic, Director, LDDI

Vanessa Smith, Director, PDCE

Jessica Knott, Director, OIE

Fang Wang, Director, International Initiatives

Robert Olaj, Director, Research Development

John Yamamoto, Director, Teacher Education

Faculty Meetings for the 2024-25 academic year will be held as follows

  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, in the Marine Drive Ballroom
  • Thursday, November 14, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, in the Ponderosa Ballroom
  • Tuesday, March 4, 2025 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, in the Ponderosa Ballroom
  • Thursday, May 8, 2025 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, in the Marine Drive Ballroom

Dr. Jan Hare (Chair)

Dr. Laura Hurd (Recording Secretary)

Anna Bin (Process Support)

Michael Wilkinson (Process Support)


Dr. Lesley Andres (EDST)

Dr. Mary Bryson (LLED)

Dr. Sabre Cherkowski (OSE)

Dr. Janice Forsyth (KIN)

Dr. Tim Inglis (KIN)

Dr. Jen Jenson (LLED)

Dr. Margaret Kovach (EDST)

Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin (EDCP)

Dr. Anne Phelan (EDCP)

Dr. Barbara Weber (ECPS)



DNSO Dean's Office
EDCP Curriculum & Pedagogy
ECPS Educational & Counselling Psychology, & Special Education
EDST Educational Studies
LLED Language & Literacy Education
KIN School of Kinesiology
INED Indigenous Education
OSE Okanagan School of Education
UBC Okanagan


Advisory and Executive Committees

Terms of Reference

May be found HERE


Kathryn Accurso (Chair & Faculty Undergraduate Curriculum Lead)

Karen Ragoonaden (TEO)

John Yamamoto (TEO)

Alexis Okabe (NITEP)

Stephanie Glick (EDST)

Amber Moore (LLED)

Simon Lisaingo (ECPS)

Cynthia Nicol in W1, Scott Goble in W2 (EDCP)

Terms of Reference

May be found HERE

Members of 2024-2025 Committee:

Nancy Perry (Chair)

Leyton Schnellert (EDCP)

Anusha Kassan (ECPS)

Jason Ellis (EDST)

Guofang Li (LLED)

Karim Khan (KIN)

Robert Olaj (ORE)


Laurie Ford (ECED Director, Chair)

Janet Jamieson (ECPS, Sep – Dec 2022)

Melanie Nelson (ECPS, Jan – Jun 2023)

Leanne Petherick (EDCP)

Mona Gleason (EDST)

Shannon Bredin (KIN/CECER)

Meghan Corella (LLED)

Iris Berger (ECED/LLED)

Ex Officio:

Vicki Domansky (PDCE)

Vanessa Smith (PDCE)

Terms of Reference

May be found HERE


Reg D'Silva (Chair)

Hartej Gill (EDST)

Meghan Corella (LLED)

Lisa Loutzenheiser (EDCP)

Joshua Madsen (ECPS)

Huda Hamze (KIN)

Lynne Tomlinson (PDCE)

Roshni Kumari (EDST)

Sumer Seiki (OSE)

Verna Billy-Minnabarriet (OIE)

Lu Tian (TEO)

Meetings are held 10:30 am - 12:30 pm on the 4th Tuesday of every month excluding June, July, August and December.

Terms of Reference

May be found HERE

Members of 2024-2025 Committee:

Dónal O’Donoghue (Chair)

Owen Lo (ECPS)

Laurie Ford  (ECED)

Kerry Renwick (EDCP)

Samuel Rocha (EDST)

Nicola Hodges (KIN)

Ryuko Kubota (LLED)

Mark Edwards (MET)

John-Tyler Binfet (UBC-O)

Graduate Student Representatives:

(Master’s student representative, KIN)

(Doctoral student representative, EDCP)

Faculty of Education JOHSC-Terms-of-Reference-1920

Faculty of Education JOHSC Information Page

Worker Representatives Work Area
Fred Brown, Co-Chair - CUPE 116 Curriculum and Pedagogy
Graham Setters - AAPS Teacher Education Office
Dr. Kim Zebehazy (A) - Faculty Association Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education
Carl Luk - AAPS Educational Studies
Douglas Adler (A) - Faculty Association Curriculum and Pedagogy
Louise Chen - CUPE 2950 English Language Institute



Employer Representatives Work Area
Jean Galvani, Co-Chair - AAPS Dean's Office
Halton Lin - AAPS Kinesiology
Huda Hamze (A) - AAPS Kinesiology
Holly-Kate Collinson-Shield Department of Educational Studies


Resources/Guests Work Area
Shilan Keshvadi (Guest) Safety & Risk Services
Shruti Asokan (Guest) Dean's Office
Vanessa Law (Guest) Dean's Office
Ayaz Mahmood (Guest) Dean's Office

Natasha Boskic (Chair)


Douglas Adler (EDCP)

Iris Berger (ECED)

Susan Curtis (ELI)

Yvonne Dawydiak (TEO)

Keri Ewart (MET)

Surita Jhangiani (ECPS)

Deirdre Kelly (EDST)

Paul Kennedy (KIN)

Nasrin Kowkabi (LLED)

Marny Point (NITEP)

Lynne Tomlinson (PDCE)

Ex Officio:

Teresa Dobson (Associate Dean, Academic and Innovation/LLED)

Terms of Reference

  • Provide academic oversight for the Masters of Educational Technology (MET) program;
  • Assure the academic integrity of the program;
  • Provide financial and management oversight regarding budgetary issues;
  • Identify needs, problems and solutions related to MET program curriculum, courses and graduate student matters;
  • Review curriculum proposals and course revisions;
  • Provide academic oversight in administration of admissions and student progress, including reviewing admissions files;
  • Make recommendations and participate in design of advertisements for new positions


Mark Edwards (MET Interim Director, EDST)

Halimat Alabi (MET Academic Advisor)

Daniel Bakan (EDCP)

Keri Ewart (MET, Coordinator, EDI & Community Outreach)

Shawn Faber (ECPS)

Jennifer Jenson (LLED)

Leah Macfadyen (MET, Coordinator, Curriculum & Instruction)

Kapil Regmi (EDST)

Ex Officio:

Vanessa Smith (MET Manager)

David Roy (MET Sr. Program Assistant)

Lynne Tomlinson (Assistant Dean, PDCE)

Teresa Dobson (LLED)


Lynne Tomlinson (PDCE, Chair)

Ayaz Mahmood (DNSO)

Jenna Shapka (ECPS)

Samson Nashon (EDCP)

André Mazawi (EDST)

Guofang Li (LLED)

Jan Hare (OIE)

Dustin Louie (NITEP)

Laurie Ford (ECED)

Teresa Dobson (LLED)

Karen Ragoonaden (TEO)

Ex Officio:

Abby Blinch (PDCE)

Sarah Lockman (PDCE)

Vanessa Smith (PDCE)

Natasha Boškić (ETS)