2015 Alumni Teacher Award
The Dean of UBC Faculty of Education, Dr. Blye Frank announced Dr. M.J. Moran and John David Nicks as co-winners of the 2015 UBC Faculty of Education Alumni Teacher Award. Assemblies at their respective schools were held to further recognize their contributions as educators in their communities.
Dr. M.J. Moran
BEd (Elem) ’90, MEd ’02, EdD ‘08
Dr. M.J. Moran, better known as M.J. to her students and colleagues, fosters interdisciplinary and collaborative teamwork in the classroom. She has been innovating her teaching practice through research for over 20 years at Begbie Elementary and is currently mentoring her 17th teacher candidate.
She serves as the Head Teacher, Chair of the Professional Development Committee, and Chair of the Staff Committee at Begbie Elementary, serves on the school’s Finance Committee and acts as a Vancouver Elementary School Teachers Association Representative, while still finding the energy to lead environmental initiatives at her school and build moral in her classrooms through dance.
Over the last four years, her class has participated in TakingITGlobal and she continues to find ways to bring local, national and international social learning into the classroom on a daily basis. M.J. is recognized in her school for her research based teaching, empowering classroom structure and dedication to improving the lives of her students in and outside of the classroom.
John David Nicks
BEd (Sec) ’98, MEd ‘02
John David Nicks has fostered a passion for advanced learning and creative expression through the arts into the lives of students at Eric Hamber Secondary. He is recognized as a pioneer of student-owned assessment by his colleagues and is the co-founder of the Hamber Studium Libertatis, a mini-school for gifted students.
His efforts have not only been directed to gifted students, he approaches teaching as an inclusive process engaging students at all levels, especially through theatre. David has produced numerous plays over the years where he has coached and mentored students in stage craft, audio-visual, orchestral arrangements, acting and life skills. Student testimonials speak of his tireless commitment, ingenuity and genuine care he empowers students with on a daily basis.