Technology in Transit is a monthly event organized by the Educational Technology Support (ETS) office for teacher candidates to showcase and raise awareness of different teaching and learning technologies that they have been actively using. The purpose of this one-hour session is to raise awareness of different technologies and to show how to incorporate them into classrooms.
This is an excellent opportunity for teacher candidates to gain public speaking experience, and upon completion participants will receive a t-shirt as well as a certificate to thank them for their participation. Participants will also be highlighted on our website. This event is typically held every third Wednesday of the month but scheduling can be flexible if this time is conflicting.
Got a cool learning technology that you would like to share? Or an app that you think needs more awareness in education? Host a Technology in Transit session of your own! Take a look at the past Technology in Transit sessions to get an idea of how you would like to host yours!
If you want to host a Technology in Transit session and promote a learning technology, please contact the ETS office by email at ets.educ@ubc.ca or by phone at 604 822 6333.