Project Name
Curriculum Studies in Canada
Project Lead
Dr. William (Bill) Pinar
Learning Transformed Goal
We will discover, create, and share knowledge that is diverse in intellectual focus, responds to educational contexts and evolving societal challenges, and promotes the translation of new knowledge.
Project Summary
The contours of Canadian identities are challenged by Canada’s unique realities, among them ongoing efforts at justice for Indigenous peoples, the continuing arrival of immigrants and refugees, and the complex and sometimes contentious relationship with the United States. Addressing such realities through the field of curriculum studies is critical at this historical conjuncture, given the complex and shifting intersection of local and global dynamics that are currently restructuring education.
The project’s online symposium series engaged leading curriculum scholars from across Canada to share their singular conceptions of the state-of-the-field.
Learn more and view the presentations at
2020-21 Seminar Series
September 23, 2020: Dr. Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, University of Ottawa, “Reconstructing Canadian Curriculum Studies: Life Writing, Settler Colonialism, and Reconciliation”
September 30, 2020: Dr. Jen Gilbert, York University, “Between Expertise and Advocacy: Sex Education and the Problem of Curriculum”
October 9, 2020: Clermont Gauthier, Université Laval, “Does the School Form Inherited from the 17th Century Still Have Its Relevance in the Contemporary World?”
November 6, 2020: Kumari Beck, Simon Fraser University, “Storying Curriculum as International Text”
December 1, 2020: David Lewkowich, University of Alberta, “Reading, Memory, Curriculum, Body: A Psychoanalytic Dialogue.”
December 11, 2020: Jackie Seidel, University of Calgary, “Imagining Ecologically-oriented and Life-serving Curriculum Practices in a Hostile Petrostate (Alberta/Canada)”
February 16, 2021: Kathy Bickmore, University of Toronto, “Teaching Social Difference in Handling Conflict: ‘Canadian’ Curriculum Practice in Comparative Context”
February 26, 2021: David Blades, University of Victoria, “Beauty In Shadows: Curriculum Change and the New B.C. School Science Curriculum”
March 11, 2021: Jocelyn Létourneau, Université Laval, “What History (to Teach) for What (Future of) Canada?”
March 30, 2021: Claudia Eppert, University of Alberta, “Ecological Witnessing, Imagination, and Transformation in Canadian and ELA Curricula”
April 29, 2021: Lee Airton, Queens University, “No More Subjects: Destabilizing the Gender Diversity Curriculum of Teacher Education”
May 13, 2021: Marie-France Bérard, University of British Columbia, “The Uncertain Profession”: In-dwelling between Curriculum Worlds in Canadian Art Museum Education”
June 22, 2021: Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw, Western University, “Education for Worlds to Come”