About the Session
This session is an opportunity to explore wellness at work. We will discuss the continuum of mental health, define wellness for ourselves, and identify strategies for mental wellness at work and beyond. Whether you want to learn more about mental health, your own wellness, or how to support your colleagues when they’re struggling, you’re invited to join us for this engaging lunch and learn.
Maux Elworthy is a facilitator, teacher, coach, and death doula who enjoys bringing people together to talk about what’s really happening. Her professional experience includes over 15 years working in mental health, managing a crisis line, training and supervising dozens of frontline workers, certifying hundreds of first responders in suicide intervention, and providing corporate change management on large-scale tech projects. She weaves knowledge of change theory, somatic experiencing, and experiential learning into her work supporting workplace mental health at organizations across North America.
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
11:30 am–2:00 pm PT (lunch will be served at 11:30 am, and the formal session will start at 12 pm)
Ponderosa Ballroom, 6445 University Boulevard, Vancouver campus
For UBC Okanagan staff members, the Zoom link will be sent via email in advance of the event.