TESS Presents: Dr. Alex Wilson

Dr. Alex Wilson

Queering Land-based Education


October 19th | 4-5pm PST


Dr. Alex Wilson is Neyonawak Inniniwak from the Opaskwayak Cree Nation. She is a Professor with the Department of Educational Foundations and the Academic Director of the Aboriginal Education Research Centre at the University of Saskatchewan. Her scholarship has greatly contributed to building and sharing knowledge about land-based education; two-spirit identity, history, and teachings; Indigenous research methodologies; anti-oppressive education; the prevention of violence in the lives of Indigenous peoples; and the protection of land and water. Her research and “coming in” theory has led to classroom and community practices that honour the contributions and lives of two-spirit people.

The SOGI UBC Transformative Education Speaker Series (TESS) brings together leading scholars and artists working at the nexus of anti-racism, Indigenous education, and SOGI education to consider the possibilities for the future of anti-oppressive teaching and learning in North America.