TESS Presents: Dr. Brockenbrough

Dr. Ed Brockenbrough

Exit Only: Sexphobia, Queerphobia, and Queer Youth Sexual Agency


Janaury 11 | 4-5pm PST
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Despite growing concerns in recent years over the plight of queer students in schools, efforts to make schools more responsive to the needs of queer youth continue to fall short of queer-inclusive sexual health education. The limited access to sex education in public schools persists as the stakes surrounding queer sexual health have intensified, especially for subpopulations like Black queer and trans* youth.

This presentation will draw upon findings from multiple scholarly projects to explore how queer youth, particularly Black-identified queer youth, engage in pedagogical acts that nurture their sexual agency. It will also consider how K-12 educators and other stakeholders can provide culturally responsive supports for Black-identified and other queer youth that subvert sexphobic and queerphobic barriers to queer youth’s sexual autonomy.

About Dr. Brockenbrough

Dr. Ed Brockenbrough is an associate professor and the inaugural Calvin Bland Faculty Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education (Penn GSE) in Philadelphia, PA, where he teaches courses on diversity and social justice issues in education to future K-12 educators. His research focuses on negotiations of identity, pedagogy, and power in urban educational spaces, particularly through the lenses of Black masculinity studies and queer of color critique. His most recent study, co-led by Dr. Mitchell Wharton and funded by the University of Rochester’s Center for AIDS Research, examined young Black queer men’s pedagogical engagements with sexually explicit internet sites and smartphone hook-up apps. He is currently launching a new study with his Calvin Bland Faculty Fellow peers on diversion programs for young Black men in Philadelphia at risk of incarceration. He is the author of Black Men Teaching in Urban Schools: Reassessing Masculinity (Routledge, 2018), and he is preparing a new book on Black queer pedagogies for publication in 2021.

The SOGI UBC Transformative Education Speaker Series (TESS) brings together leading scholars and artists working at the nexus of anti-racism, Indigenous education, and SOGI education to consider the possibilities for the future of anti-oppressive teaching and learning in North America.