HSE-RHÉ Editors: Penney Clark and Mona Gleason, University of British Columbia
Guest Editors: Sharon Anne Cook, Chad Gaffield, Ruby Heap, Stéphane Lévesque, Heather McGregor, Lorna McLean, Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, and Timothy J. Stanley, Making History Educational Research Unit / Faire de l’histoire unité de recherche en éducation University of Ottawa / Université d’Ottawa
Published: Spring 2018 special issue / Le numéro spécial de printemps 2018, Historical Studies in Education / Revue d’histoire de l’éducation
In this issue:
Special Issue – Introduction
- From Centennial to Sesquicentennial in Canada: Transformative Research in the History of Education | Chad Gaffield
Special Issue – Articles
- The Writing of Women into Canadian Educational History in English Canada and Francophone Quebec, 1970 to 1995 | Sharon Anne Cook, Ruby Heap, Lorna McLean
- Back to School? Historians and the View from the Classroom | Penney Clark, Amy von Heyking
- Combien ou comment ? Les femmes canadiennes dans les récits scolaires et dans la mémoire collective, rétrospective des recherches depuis 1980 | Marie-Hélène Brunet
- Women Rarely Worthy of Study: A History of Curriculum Reform in Ontario Education | R. Fine-Meyer, K. Llewellyn
- Off to School: Filmic False Equivalence and Indian Residential School Scholarship | Jane Griffith
- Swimming Against the Current of Secular Education: The Rise and Fall of Columbian Methodist College, 1892-1937 |Eric Damer, Gerald Thomson
- Le « moment 68 » au Collège Sainte-Anne : la mentalité estudiantine au moment de la grève de 1968 | Michael Poplyansky
- L’Éducation des filles congolaises au maquis de Mulele: Arme de libération ou force d’(auto)destruction? | Annette Lembagusala Kikumbi, Marc Depaepe
Research Note / Note de recherche
- La formation en techniques de laboratoire médical au Québec, 1943-1968 : Vingt-cinq ans avant le Cégep | Andrée Dufour
Book Reviews / Comptes Rendus
- Marc-André Éthier, Vincent Boutonnet, Stéphanie Demers et David Lefrançois, Quel sens pour l’histoire? | Laurie Pageau
- Jean-François Condette, dir., Les personnels d’inspection. Contrôler, évaluer, contrôler les enseignants. Retour sur une histoire France/Europe (XVIIe-XXe siècle) | Jean-Pierre Proulx
- Matthew Hayday, So They Want Us to Learn French: Promoting and Opposing Bilingualism in English-Speaking Canada | Jack D. Cécillon
- Helen May, Kristen Nawrotzki, and Larry Prochner eds., Kindergarten Narratives on Froebelian Education: Transnational Investigations | Sofia Chatzistefanidou
- Colleen Gray, No Ordinary School: The Study, 1915–2015 | K. M. Gemmell
- Jon N. Hale, The Freedom Schools: Student Activists in the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement | Tracy E. K’Meyer
- Nancy Weiss Malkiel, “Keep the Damned Women Out”: The Struggle for Coeducation | Christine D. Myers
- Shelley Hasinoff and David Mandzuk, Case Studies in Educational Foundations: Canadian Perspectives | Trevor Norris
- David F. Labaree, A Perfect Mess: The Unlikely Ascendency of American Higher Education | Julie A. Reuben
- Jason Reid, Get Out of My Room! A History of Teen Bedrooms in America | Katharine Rollwagen
- Jonathan Zimmerman and Emily Robertson, The Case for Contention: Teaching Controversial Issues in American Schools | Peter Seixas
- Robert C. Vipond, Making a Global City: How One Toronto School Embraced Diversity | Myer Siemiatycki
- David Wright, SickKids: The History of the Hospital for Sick Children | Judith Young