Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards

Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards

Nominations Due to Units:

Friday, March 7, 2025, 12:00 pm (Pacific Time)

Nominations are to be submitted to the unit’s Graduate Program Advisor.

In recognition of the valuable role that teaching assistants play in our programs, the University annually awards nineteen teaching prizes to UBC Teaching Assistants, with two of these awards being allocated to the Faculty of Education. The prize includes both a certificate and $1000.


The award is open to any UBC Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) at UBC Vancouver who has been acting in the position during the current academic year (2024–25) and/or the preceding academic year (2023–24).

Nomination Process

Effective Teaching Criteria for Killam GTA Award Nominations

Nominations should be encouraged from the GTA’s faculty supervisors (e.g. professors, senior laboratory instructors), from colleagues working closely with the GTA nominee, and from students who attend/attended the nominee’s class or laboratory. GTAs may also self-nominate for the award. 

Nomination Format

Guidelines for Preparing the Killam GTA Nomination Submissions

Please note that there is no application or nomination form. The nomination takes the form of a teaching dossier of supporting documentation, from either the student/peer/faculty nominating party or the self-nominee.

For full details, please visit the Provost and Vice President Academic web site.


There is no application form for this award. Rather, the nominating party (or the nominee if this is a self-nomination) must compile a dossier of information about the nominee’s work as a Teaching Assistant, and include the requirements listed below, addressing the Effective Teaching Criteria outlined here.

  1. TEACHING VALUES: a statement of the candidate’s values and assumptions about teaching and learning in higher education and of their experiences with putting these values and ideas into practice. (maximum 2 pages)
    As part of the above statement, the candidate might consider including some of the following:

    • a description of a recent instructional opportunity or problem faced by the Teaching Assistant, outlining steps taken toward resolution of the issue.
    • an example of written or oral feedback given by the Teaching Assistant to students in a laboratory, tutorial, fieldwork or clinical situation, or course. This could take the form of comments on lab reports, essays, or other assignments which the Teaching Assistant has directly overseen.
    • relevant examples of interest and involvement in teaching and student learning beyond the TA duties, such as participation in teaching enhancement seminars and workshops; independent reading in the field of teaching in higher education; or involvement on Departmental or other University committees which examine teaching and learning issues.
  2. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: a summary of recent teaching responsibilities as well as contributions to teaching in the past: include number of students, type of teaching undertaken, hours per week in the classroom, and average time spent constructively in consultation with students and supervisors in carrying out Teaching Assistantship duties. (maximum 2 pages)
  3. TEACHING FEEDBACK: any formal feedback from students, colleagues and/or supervisors (in the form of student evaluations, letters, or related material) which addresses the stated criteria for this award. It is suggested that any letters be addressed to “To whom it may concern” or “To the Killam GTA Award Adjudication Committee”. (maximum 10 pages)

Nomination Deadline

Individual nomination packages must be submitted to your unit’s Graduate Program Assistant by: Friday, March 7, 2025, 12PM PST.

Ranked applications must be forwarded by units to for Faculty adjudication by: Friday, March 14, 2025, 9AM PST.

For more information, please contact

Contact the Graduate Program Assistant in your Unit