HWIP – Yoga and Mindful Meditation Classes

20210312 event

Register for Yoga and Mindful Meditation classes

The UBC Faculty of Education invite you to join your colleagues for yoga and mindful meditation classes. In partnership with UBC HR’s Healthy Workplace initiatives Program, every Monday and Tuesday, individuals can register for a yoga or mindful meditation class.


UBC Faculty of Education Dean’s Office

UBC Recreation

Tuesday yoga instructor – Loretta Siu

In searching for her path, Loretta realized that education, wellness, and community were recurrent and guiding themes, all of which are encompassed in yoga. She strives to lead classes that she would also want to experience – a safe and welcoming environment, room for introspection and exploration, and of course, the opportunity to play. 

Monday yoga instructor – April Huang

April first started practicing yoga during lunch time when she was a full-time staff at UBC. It quickly became one of her new favourite hobbies and she eventually went to Costa Rica to complete her teacher training. Her classes are designed with physical and mental wellness in mind and accessible for all levels! 

Pre-participant Survey

Please complete the pre-participant survey prior to registering

*Update: January 20th 2022

Today, UBC Recreation has resumed in-person fitness classes with the following restrictions: 

  • Masks must be worn when inside the facility and highly encouraged when actively exercising
  • Classes will be marked out in pods – please observe these markings and safely distance from other individuals 
  • Limited capacity for all fitness sessions subject to guidance from provincial health orders. 

An additional online yoga class is scheduled on Friday February 18th in lieu of the stat holiday on Monday February 21st.

*Update: January 4th 2022

In accordance with the Provincial Health officer, in-person classes will be converted to online, until January 18th, unless new guidelines are enacted. Participants will receive a calendar invitation with zoom link. Please do not share this link with anyone as individuals must register through this survey. Before class begins, participants will join a waiting room and be allowed in based on their registration details provided. Once all participants are present, your host will ask for a verbal agreement to consent to physical activity readiness and then your yoga practice will begin!


Winter Term 2

Class Information 

Mondays, starting January 17th - Mindful Meditation


Mindful Meditation classes are via zoom every other Monday, starting January 17th from 12:00 - 12:30 p.m., until April 11th.


In-person "field trips" are held throughout the term in various outdoor Mindfulness spaces on-campus (ie. Nitobe Garden).


Virtual classes will provide participants with a calendar invitation with zoom link. Please do not share this link with anyone as individuals must register through this survey. Before class begins, participants will join a waiting room and be allowed in based on their registration details provided. Registration for Mindful Meditation classes are used for attendance information, post-program, only.


Per the COVID-19 Return to campus guidelines provided by the Provincial Health Orders, the BC Centre for Disease Control, and UBC's Campus Rules and Guidance, participants in an in-person gathering or event will be required to show 1) photo ID - ie. UBC employee card, driver's license, BC Services card, and 2) proof of vaccination, prior to the beginning of class. 


Dates of classes: January 17th, January 31st, February 14th, February 28th, March 14th, March 28th, April 11th


Dates of in-person field trip: TBD

Mondays, starting January 10th - Virtual Yoga 


Virtual classes are every other Monday, starting January 10th, from 12:00 - 12:30 p.m., until April 4th.


Participants will receive a calendar invitation with zoom link. Please do not share this link with anyone as individuals must register through this survey. Before class begins, participants will join a waiting room and be allowed in based on their registration details provided. Once all participants are present, your host will ask for a verbal agreement to consent to physical activity readiness and then your yoga practice will begin!
Dates of Monday classes: January 10th, January 24th, February 7th, March 7th, March 21st, April 4th

Tuesdays, starting January 11th - In-person Yoga* 


*Update: January 20th 2022

Today, UBC Recreation has resumed in-person fitness classes with the following restrictions: 

  • Masks must be worn when inside the facility and highly encouraged when actively exercising
  • Classes will be marked out in pods - please observe these markings and safely distance from other individuals 
  • Limited capacity for all fitness sessions subject to guidance from provincial health orders. 

*Update: January 4th 2022

In accordance with the Provincial Health officer, in-person classes will be converted to online, until January 18th, unless new guidelines are enacted. Participants will receive a calendar invitation with zoom link. Please do not share this link with anyone as individuals must register through this survey. Before class begins, participants will join a waiting room and be allowed in based on their registration details provided. Once all participants are present, your host will ask for a verbal agreement to consent to physical activity readiness and then your yoga practice will begin!


In-person classes are every other Tuesday, starting January 11th, from 12:00 - 12:30 p.m., until April 19th.

In-person classes are held in 6488 University Boulevard, Ponderosa Commons Studio - Arbutus House. A limited number of 10 spaces are available at this time. Registration is prioritized for those who do not have a private office space to practice and based on the time at which you complete this survey.

An attendant will be at Ponderosa Studio each week to check registrants at the door. Hand and equipment sanitizer will be provided. As per the recent mask mandate, participants are required to wear a face mask when indoors at the Ponderosa Studio, except during physical activity (ie. Yoga). In addition to signing a participant waiver, participants in an in-person UBC Recreation program will be required to show 1) photo ID - ie. UBC employee card, driver's license, BC Services card, and 2) proof of vaccination, prior to the beginning of class. Specific information on UBC Recreation's COVID-19 practices can be found here.


If you miss more than 2 classes, your privileges to attend in-person classes will be revoked for the term. Individuals are able to show up on the day of class to replace those who are do not show; however, those individuals risk being turned away if spaces are filled. A grace period of 5 minutes after class starts will be given to individuals registered for class. Those who choose to attend in-person after the class has reached registration capacity will automatically be registered for the virtual session of that same week.


Dates of Tuesday classes: January 11th, January 25th, February 8th, February 22nd, March 8th, March 22nd, April 5th, April 19th


Winter Term 1

Class Information 

Mondays, starting September 27th - Mindful Meditation

Mindful Meditation classes are via zoom every other Monday, starting September 27th from 12:00 - 12:30 p.m., until December 6th.


In-person "field trips" are held throughout the term in various outdoor Mindfulness spaces on-campus (ie. Nitobe Garden).


Virtual classes will provide participants with a calendar invitation with zoom link. Please do not share this link with anyone as individuals must register through this survey. Before class begins, participants will join a waiting room and be allowed in based on their registration details provided. Registration for Mindful Meditation classes are used for attendance information, post-program, only.


Per the COVID-19 Return to campus guidelines provided by the Provincial Health Orders, the BC Centre for Disease Control, and UBC's Campus Rules and Guidance, participants in an in-person gathering or event will be required to show 1) photo ID - ie. UBC employee card, driver's license, BC Services card, and 2) proof of vaccination, prior to the beginning of class. 
Dates of virtual classes: September 27th, October 12th (in lieu of Thanksgiving), November 8th, November 22nd, December 6th


Dates of in-person field trip: October 25th

Mondays, starting October 4th - Virtual Yoga 


Virtual classes are every other Monday, starting October 4th, from 12:00 - 12:30 p.m., until December 13th.


Participants will receive a calendar invitation with zoom link. Please do not share this link with anyone as individuals must register through this survey. Before class begins, participants will join a waiting room and be allowed in based on their registration details provided. Once all participants are present, your host will ask for a verbal agreement to consent to physical activity readiness and then your yoga practice will begin!


Dates of virtual classes: October 4th & 18th, November 1st, 15th, & 29th, December 9th

Tuesdays, starting October 5th - In-person Yoga


In-person classes are every other Tuesday, starting October 5th, from 12:00 - 12:30 p.m., until December 14th.

In-person classes are held in 6488 University Boulevard, Ponderosa Commons Studio - Arbutus House. A limited number of 16 spaces are available at this time. Registration is prioritized for those who do not have a private office space to practice and based on the time at which you complete this survey.

An attendant will be at Ponderosa Studio each week to check registrants at the door. Hand and equipment sanitizer will be provided. As per the recent mask mandate, participants are required to wear a face mask when indoors at the Ponderosa Studio, except during physical activity (ie. Yoga). In addition to signing a participant waiver, participants in an in-person UBC Recreation program will be required to show 1) photo ID - ie. UBC employee card, driver's license, BC Services card, and 2) proof of vaccination, prior to the beginning of class. Specific information on UBC Recreation's COVID-19 practices can be found here.


If you miss more than 2 classes, your privileges to attend in-person classes will be revoked for the term. Individuals are able to show up on the day of class to replace those who are do not show; however, those individuals risk being turned away if spaces are filled. A grace period of 5 minutes after class starts will be given to individuals registered for class. Those who choose to attend in-person after the class has reached registration capacity will automatically be registered for the virtual session of that same week.


Dates of in-person classes: October 5th & 19th, November 2nd, 16th & 30th, December 14th



Register Now!

You will be redirected to UBC Qualtrics to register


Your feedback is important to us!

Please complete the feedback survey if you have participated in our Healthy Workplace Initiatives Program. This feedback informs us of how best we can engage with our faculty and staff, and how we can improve the program next year.