February 19, 2018
The Faculty of Education was successful in its UBC Learning Space Improvement Project bid to refurbish the computer labs in Scarfe 1006 and 1007 into flexible teaching/learning spaces effective summer 2018. Students have told us for many years that they lack space to work on collaborative projects, which form such a large part of many courses, particular in the BEd program, and the Scarfe computer labs have become less and less frequently used, especially as most students now have their own devices. The project proposal and adjudication process was rigorous, and our Faculty’s proposal was ranked among the top four across the campus to be funded.
The new design was based in part on UBCO’s Learning Lab and includes very flexible seating as well as several fixed computer stations with some specialized, UBC-licensed software (SPSS, Camtasia, etc.). The two spaces will allow students to work on projects together, practise-teach in small groups, and they will also be bookable by instructors who wish to schedule teaching and learning activities. Wendy Traas from the Education Library and others are keen to model how to teach in flex spaces such as this for anyone interested.
We’d like to invite the participation of faculty, staff and students in an advisory committee that will develop guidelines for scheduling use of the two rooms, evaluate how the rooms are used, and address questions or concerns, etc. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact assocdean.teachered@ubc.ca.