November 2, 2023
Strategic Equity and Anti-Racism Framework (StEAR)
Introduced in 2023, the StEAR Framework is a community-engaged, data-informed, action-oriented and accountability-driven planning tool developed to guide the implementation of equity and anti-racism priorities and the cyclical evaluation of progress over the next three to five years. As part of the University’s commitment to implement the framework, the StEAR Enhancement Fund was established to provide funding for student, faculty and staff-led initiatives that seek to advance UBC’s equity and anti-racism priorities.
Faculty of Education StEAR Matching Fund
For the 2023-24 academic year, the Faculty has made available a total of $20,000 to match funds (up to $2,500 per project) for Faculty of Education faculty, staff, and students who are successful applicants to the StEAR Enhancement Fund. While the StEAR Enhancement Fund Committee will review applications on a rolling basis until August 2024 (or until the funds run out), the Faculty of Education StEAR Matching Fund will be available for projects accepted on or before June 30, 2024 (or until the funds run out).
Download the below PDF to learn more about the Faculty of Education StEAR Matching Fund.