September 5, 2023
Message from Dr. Jan Hare, Dean pro tem
Aanii – Greetings!
As we prepare for the commencement of a new academic year, I extend a heartfelt welcome to all members of the UBC Faculty of Education, including those joining us in person and for virtual programming.
September marks a time of great excitement for us all. We embark on a fresh journey of discovery, growth and inspiration in our teaching, research, and engagement. Our vibrant community, comprised of students, faculty, instructors, staff, alumni, donors, emeriti, and neighbouring and global communities, all play a pivotal role in fostering an environment where innovative ideas flourish and transformative learning thrives. I appreciate everyone’s contributions to these endeavours.
I want to acknowledge the wildfires that continue to impact members of our community in the Okanagan and beyond. Your ability to persevere and show compassion in the face of incredibly difficult circumstances is deeply appreciated. The solidarity and empathy we show as a Faculty community are vital as we commence the new academic year.
As we navigate a world that is constantly evolving, we find guidance and inspiration in our strategic plan, Learning Transformed, as well as in the Task Force on Race, Indigeneity, and Social Justice. UBC’s broader reports on Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence, Indigenous Strategic Planning, and Climate Action also shape our course in the coming year. These documents collectively provide the principles that steer our efforts, guiding us as we forge connections and collaborations within our academic community and beyond.
I extend my gratitude to all our colleagues in the Teacher Education Office for meticulously organizing three days of enriching and collaborative orientation sessions for all participants in this year’s BEd program. Last week’s events, attended by faculty, faculty associates, seconded teachers, esteemed guests, and new students, provided an immersive orientation that addressed both practicalities and aspirations for the upcoming year. Keynote speaker, Jo Chrona, led transformative sessions on the intersections between Indigenous and anti-racism education for faculty and teacher candidates. The active participation during these sessions exemplifies our Faculty’s collaborative commitment to fostering a more inclusive educational landscape.
As I enter the third year in my role as Dean pro tem, I remain committed to the persistent priorities of equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization, anti-racism and sustainability as foundations for excellence in teaching, research, and community engagement. I continue to seek direction from the Indigenous Faculty Circle and the Black Faculty Collective I formed last year. These guiding structures to the Dean have resulted in a Black scholar cluster hire and a new specialization in the EdD program focused on Indigenous leadership and resurgence. Both these initiatives will get underway this year. Along with the Office of Research in Education, we will launch a set of funding opportunities aimed at enhancing research culture and creating additional opportunities for research and leadership stream faculty. I will also work with senior leadership members to build practices that ensure we foster a Faculty environment where all community members are valued and respected for their varied contributions.
On a national level, I will co-chair, along with Dr. Jennifer Tupper, Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta, the revision of the Association of Canadian Deans of Education (ACDE) national Accord on Indigenous Education.
As the year unfolds, I encourage each of you to seize the opportunities that lie ahead. Engage your colleagues, seek out new research partnerships, and foster an environment of curiosity and innovation that nurtures the holistic growth of every member of our community.
I wish you all the best in a year brimming with inspiration, discovery, transformation and shared success.
Miigwech – Thank you.
Jan Hare, Dean pro tem